By Christie Kwon MS, DC

Statistics show that 86 million pediatric visits to chiropractic offices occur each year – a significant number related to the healthcare of children. This number raises the question of how beneficial is chiropractic care for kids, who most commonly seek care for musculoskeletal pain or general health and wellness. Although presumed that most of these children initially present in fairly good health and quality of life, but that may not be the case.

Of course, it’s natural that parents want to believe their children are healthy and thriving. Past research has shown that 1/3 of parents don’t recognize health concerns in their children, and when they do, they don’t realize how serious the issues are. Despite the number of annual pediatric visits to a chiropractor and understanding that chiropractic is the most utilized form of complementary and alternative (CAM) healthcare for children, recent research results show many more are in need of care.

A recently published study by ICPA showed that 881 children under chiropractic care had significant quality of life concerns that are not commonly realized. Data was collected from 88 ICPA practice-based research network (PBRN) chiropractors. Nearly half of the parents reported “wellness” as the motivation for chiropractic care for their children. An additional study of 289 children and their parents compared reports from these two groups.

The studies’ findings showed that these kids reported anxiety, pain interference, depression, fatigue and quality of life scores comparable or worse than those reported by children with chronic illnesses such as Crohn’s disease. Parents’ scored their children similarly related to anxiety, depression, and fatigue, but seem to under-estimate their child’s pain interference.

The Good News

How do these children fare after chiropractic care? While it’s important to notice that some significant health issues have been overlooked in the pediatric population, it’s very encouraging to note how much improvement occurs after chiropractic care. The study showed outcomes related to anxiety, depression, fatigue, pain interference, and peer relationships were all positive.

Children are resilient, but we must recognize the amount of day-to-day stress they may face, which affects their physical and emotional health and well-being. This research further suggests that chiropractic care of children is essential, and the need may be very underestimated at this time. Chiropractic care of children truly helps future generations achieve optimal human potential.